Initial Server Validation and Troubleshooting

Because web services process through many layers one effective technique for more quickly identifying and resolving problems is to keep the server and client side of your service testing separate. So, once deployed you want to first focus your testing on the server side to ensure everything there is working properly and then introduce your client development and testing so that you will better know where to focus for resolving errors.

First, since this is your first deployment of a web service: did the application server and deployed application EAR/WAR files start without errors? If not, investigate these and resolve as necessary.

If your application has started successfully the next step is to ensure your service is available. This is done differently for Axis2 and Axis 1.4. But, in general, it involves entering the web service URL with the ?wsdl argument to verify that your service can be accessed. Details for validating the Axis2 and Axis 1.4 environments are in the sections following.