Configuring the Widget

To configure the SSN text field widget in isolation from other text field widgets, the data must be in a domain that is specific to SSNs. Here, the SAMPLE_SSN domain is assumed. The DomainsConfig.xml file should be added to the client application component, or the existing file should be modified if it already exists, to associate the edit-renderer plug-in class with that domain.

Figure 1. Configuring the SSN Edit Renderer
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
  <dc:domain name="SAMPLE_SSN">
    <dc:plug-in name="edit-renderer"


Applying the above configuration, the edit-renderer of the custom widget will now be invoked anywhere a UIM FIELD element has a target connection to a server interface property in the SAMPLE_ SSN domain. If the UIM FIELD has no target connection, the view-renderer will be used instead. As no view-renderer is defined in this configuration, the view-renderer of the parent or other ancestor domain, will be inherited and used. Typically, this will be the TextViewRenderer associated by default with the SVR_STRING domain.

More information about configuring renderers and other plug-ins is provided in Configuring Renderers.