
<event-wait-activity id="1" category="AC1">
    <deadline complete-activity="true">
          <wdo-attribute wdo-name="TaskCreateDetails" 
            name="deadlineDuration" />
      <deadline-handler interface-name=
          <formal-parameter index="0">
            <struct type="curam.core.struct.TaskKey">
              <field name="taskID">
                <base-type type="INT64">
                  <wdo-attribute wdo-name="Context_Task"
                    name="taskID" />
          <formal-parameter index="1">
            <struct type="curam.core.struct.ChildKey">
              <field name="identifier">
                <base-type type="INT64">
                  <wdo-attribute wdo-name=
                    name="identifier" />
        <duration-expired wdo-name="TaskDeadlineDetails" 
          name="booleanValue" />
        <deadline-expiry-time wdo-name="TaskDeadlineDetails" 
          name="dateTimeValue" />
This represents a boolean flag which indicates whether the activity should complete if the deadline duration expires. The default for this flag is false.
This represents the duration of time that can elapse before the deadline handler method will be invoked. The duration can be represented in either of the formats below which will subsequently be used to calculate the deadline date time for the event wait:
The number of seconds that can elapse before the deadline handler will be invoked
The attribute of a workflow data object that can be mapped as representing the number of seconds that can elapse before the deadline handler will be invoked.
This represents the method that is to be invoked once the deadline duration has expired. The following metadata must be specified for a deadline handler:
This represents the fully qualified name of the deadline handler interface class name.
This represents the required method in the deadline handler interface required to be invoked when the deadline expires.
This contains a list of the deadline handler method parameters and associated workflow data object attributes that are mapped to those parameters when the deadline handler is invoked. For details on method parameter mappings see Input Mappings.
This contains the deadline output data which can be optionally mapped to workflow data object attributes. This data indicates whether or not the deadline duration expired and the date and time the deadline duration expired.