
<manual-activity id="1" category="AC1">
      <allocation-strategy type="target" 
        <biz-object-association biz-object-type="BOT1">
          <wdo-attribute wdo-name="TaskCreateDetails" 
        <biz-object-association biz-object-type="BOT2">
          <wdo-attribute wdo-name=
This contains the details of all the business object associations that have been specified for the manual activity.
This contains the details of one business object association that has been specified for that manual activity. This includes the business object type and the workflow data object attribute mapping associated with that type. This workflow data object attribute mapping represents the unique identifier of the business object in the association (i.e. for a business object association of type Case, this would represent the unique identifier of the case being linked to the task).
This details the actual business object type for the business object association for the manual activity. The business object type must be selected in the Process Definition Tool and is taken from the BusinessObjectType code-table.