Testing Rules

The CER Rules Editor validates that the rules being written are structured correctly according to the CER definitions. This tool ensures that rules expressions are properly nested and that related expressions follow a logical path. It checks for conflicting rules that would make it impossible to reach a result.

CER itself comes with a rules coverage tool which checks the overall percentage of rules that are successfully executed by unit tests. Fundamental to the success of rules development is the creation of unit tests that automate the testing of rules. These unit tests should execute the rules, providing demonstration data that can be used to test the rules results. The rules coverage tool displays the parts of a rule set that are successfully executed by unit tests and gives an overall percentage of rules executed. Tests can be written for individual rules themselves, meaning that the building blocks of a rule set get tested in isolation. Higher level integration testing is also possible by testing group of rules, with lots of data being input and a detailed check being performed on all the possible outputs. The Cúram Express Rules Reference Manual provides instructions and samples on writing these unit tests and using the rules coverage tool.