Essential to Product Building - Use What You Already Have

The three main tasks in product design are to design the rules that will be used to determine product eligibility and entitlement (and explain it - which is described in the next chapter), to figure out the data that the rules require, and to map the data to the rules using rule object data configurations.

A very important part of building a new product is making the most of what you already have, rather than reinventing the wheel. The application provides out-of-the-box rule classes to get you started in designing eligibility and entitlement rules, it provides entities for capturing basic data about claimants and cases, and it provides rule object data configurations that link up rules and data types. The majority of the work required to implement the simple product can be handled by these readily available materials.

The information required to determine eligibility and entitlement for our product is quite basic: we need to know if and when the claimant is eligible and the amount the claimant is eligible for. A simple product evidence entity can be created to capture this basic data. We will then need to extend our rules to recognize this data and we will need to configure rule object data configurations to link that data to the rules.

Note: An extensive range of materials are provided, much of which falls outside the scope of the simple product discussed within this chapter. The Inside Cúram Eligibility and Entitlement Using Cúram Express Rules is the main resource for detailed information on these out-of-the-box materials.