Related Reading

There are several aspects to product building that warrant their own complete set of documentation, given their extensiveness. The following table provides a detailed description of the range of documentation that is related to the overall task of building a product.

Table 1. Description of Related Documents
Document Document Type Relationship to Building a Product
Cúram Integrated Case Management Guide Business Guide This is a good starting point for understanding how products are used to define case processing.
Cúram Integrated Case Management Configuration Guide Configuration Guide This follows on from the business guide and provides detailed explanations on the case configuration options available in the administration component of the application, including but not limited to detailed explanations on product configuration.
Cúram Participant Guide Business Guide This defines the basic concepts of participants and participant types.
Cúram Person and Prospect Person Evidence Developers Guide Developer Guide This provides a high level technical understanding of person/prospect person evidence and its components. It also outlines the available customization options and extension points.
Inside Cúram Eligibility and Entitlement Using Cúram Express Rules Developer Guide This is a reading prerequisite for building a product. It provides a detailed technical overview of case eligibility and entitlement processing.
Cúram Evidence Guide Business Guide This is a useful for understanding the basic way in which evidence is maintained at the case level.
Cúram Dynamic Evidence Configuration Guide Configuration Guide This provides detailed explanations on how to configure dynamic evidence, including how to create new evidence types.
Working with Cúram Express Rules Developer Guide This provides detailed explanations on how to create rules using the dynamic rules editor.
Cúram Express Rules Reference Guide Developer Guide This describes all aspects of the Cúram Express Rules (CER) language and is an essential reference to rules design.
Getting Started with Cúram Client Development Guide Developer Guide The aspects of this guide covering dynamic User Interface meta-data (UIM) design are of particular importance to building a product. UIM pages are required for case and case member home pages, evidence pages, and decision results pages.
Cúram Web Client Reference Guide Developer Guide This describes all aspects of the web client and is an essential reference to Cúram client development.