For Pattern Date List

As mentioned earlier, one of the main differences between the pattern date list and the event date list is that the eligibility and entitlement engine enhances the date list not only when there are contiguous decisions, but also when there are gaps between decisions on the pattern date list. This becomes important when the Reassessment Configuration switch is enabled as these gaps might affect the outcome of rules which are dependent on decision information. The eligibility and entitlement engine adds the dates within these gaps to the date list; it also re-calls the rules engine on the date before the gap and the date after the gap.

The following is an outline of the steps taken to create new decisions for a pattern date list when the Reassessment Configuration switch is enabled:

  1. Pass in Previous Decisions, if found.

    The eligibility and entitlement engine checks to see if there are any existing decisions whose cover period falls within the eligibility and entitlement engine from and to dates. The eligibility and entitlement engine from date is the case start date, April 1st, 2004; the eligibility and entitlement engine to date is the case expected end date, April 30th, 2004. Since this is an original eligibility and entitlement result, there are no previous decisions, and thus, the eligibility and entitlement engine does not pass decision information to the rules engine.

  2. Compile Decision Date List.
    • April 1st, 2004: eligibility and entitlement engine from date, i.e., case start date
    • April 2nd, 2004: delivery date based on delivery pattern frequency
    • April 7th, 2004: rerate date based on product rerate frequency
    • April 9th, 2004: delivery date based on delivery pattern frequency
    • April 14th, 2004: rerate date based on product rerate frequency
    • April 16th, 2004: delivery date based on delivery pattern frequency
    • April 21st, 2004: rerate date based on product rerate frequency
    • April 23rd, 2004: delivery date based on delivery pattern frequency
    • April 28th, 2004: rerate date based on product rerate frequency
    • April 30th, 2004: eligibility and entitlement engine to date, i.e., case expected end date (This is also a delivery date based on the delivery pattern frequency.)
  3. Create Decision for First Date in Date List.

    The eligibility and entitlement engine creates a temporary decision for April 1st, 2004: James Smith is eligible for the Max Personal rules objective at a daily rate of $10 and a weekly rate of $70. The rules engine looks for decision results to determine whether or not James Smith is eligible for the Max Child Allowance objective. Since there are no previous decisions, he is found ineligible for the second objective.

  4. Pass in Temporary Decision Information

    The eligibility and entitlement engine passes in the decision information for the April 1st temporary decision which indicates the James Smith is eligible for the Max Personal objective from April 1st to April 1st. The weekly rate for this objective is $70. Notice that only the weekly rate is passed in as decision information. This is because the eligibility and entitlement engine will only pass in the decision objective information for the base objective tag. The base objective tag is the objective tag closest to the nominee's delivery pattern frequency, which is the weekly rate.

  5. Create Decision for Next Date on Date List.

    The eligibility and entitlement engine creates a temporary decision for April 2nd, 2004: James Smith is eligible for the Max Personal rules objective at a daily rate of $10 and a weekly rate of $70. The rules engine looks for decision results to determine whether or not James Smith is eligible for the Max Child Allowance objective. It reads the April 1st decision information and returns an ineligible result for Max Child Allowance since James has only been in receipt of the Max Personal rules objective for 1 day.

  6. Pass in Temporary Decision Information

    The eligibility and entitlement engine passes in the decision information for April 2nd which indicates that James Smith is eligible for the Max Personal objective from April 2nd to April 2nd. The weekly rate for this objective is $70.

  7. Create Decision for Next Date on Date List

    The eligibility and entitlement engine creates a temporary decision for April 7th, 2004: James Smith is eligible for the Max Personal rules objective at a daily rate of $11 and a weekly rate of $77. The rules engine looks for decision results to determine whether or not James Smith is eligible for the Max Child Allowance objective. It reads the April 1st and April 2nd decision information and returns an ineligible result for Max Child Allowance since James has only been in receipt of the Max Personal rules objective for 2 consecutive days.

  8. Pass in Temporary Decision Information

    The eligibility and entitlement engine passes in the decision information for April 7th which indicates that James Smith is eligible for the Max Personal objective from April 7th to April 7th. The weekly rate for this objective is $77. The eligibility and entitlement engine sees that there is no decision change between the eligible result on the 2nd and the eligible result on the 7th. If the decision cover period were extended over this gap, then James is likely to be eligible for the Max Child Allowance objective. To ensure that the correct decision results are returned for the dates between the 2nd and 7th, the eligibility and entitlement engine adds April 3rd, April 4th, April 5th, and April 6th to the date list. The eligibility and entitlement engine also re-adds April 7th to the date list. This allows the rules engine to make a decision regarding the 7th using the decision information from the new dates added to the date list.

  9. Create Decision for Next Date on Date List

    The eligibility and entitlement engine creates a temporary decision for April 3rd, 2004: James Smith is eligible for the Max Personal rules objective at a daily rate of $10 and a weekly rate of $70. The rules engine looks for decision results to determine whether or not James Smith is eligible for the Max Child Allowance objective. It reads the April 1st, April 2nd, April 3rd, and April 7th decision information and still returns an ineligible result for Max Child Allowance, as James has only been in receipt of the Max Personal objective for three consecutive days.

  10. Pass in Temporary Decision Information

    The eligibility and entitlement engine passes in the decision information for April 3rd which indicates that James Smith is eligible for the Max Personal objective from April 3rd to April 3rd. The weekly rate for this objective is $70.

  11. Create Decision for Next Date on Date List

    The eligibility and entitlement engine creates a temporary decision for April 4th, 2004: James Smith is eligible for the Max Personal rules objective at a daily rate of $10 and a weekly rate of $70. The rules engine looks for the decision results to determine whether or not James Smith is eligible for the Max Child Allowance objective. It reads the April 1st, April 2nd, April 3rd, April 4th, and April 7th decision information and still returns an ineligible result for Max Child Allowance because there must be 5 consecutive days of eligibility (there are 5 days of eligibility but only 4 of which are consecutive).

  12. Pass in Temporary Decision Information

    The eligibility and entitlement engine passes in the decision information for April 4th which indicates that James Smith is eligible for the Max Personal objective from April 4th to April 4th. The weekly rate for this objective is $70.

  13. Create Decision for Next Date on Date List

    The eligibility and entitlement engine creates a temporary decision for April 5th, 2004: James Smith is eligible for the Max Personal rules objective at a daily rate of $11 and a weekly rate of $77. The rules engine looks for the decision results to determine whether or not James Smith is eligible for the Max Child Allowance objective. It reads the April 1st, April 2nd, April 3rd, April 4th, April 5th, and April 7th decision information. James Smith is now found eligible for the Max Child Allowance objective at a daily rate of $1.10 (10% of the daily rate for the Max Personal rules objective).

  14. Pass in Temporary Decision Information

    The eligibility and entitlement engine passes in the decision information for April 5th which indicates that James Smith is eligible for both the Max Personal and the Max Child Allowance objectives. The weekly rate for the Max Personal objective is $77; the daily rate for the Max Child Allowance objective is $1.10.

  15. Create Decision for Next Date on Date List

    The eligibility and entitlement engine creates a temporary decision for April 6th, 2004: James Smith is eligible for the Max Personal rules objective at a daily rate of $11 and a weekly rate of $77. The rules engine looks for decision results and determines James Smith is eligible for the Max Child Allowance objective at a daily rate of $1.10.

  16. Pass in Temporary Decision Information

    The eligibility and entitlement engine passes in the decision information for April 6th which indicates that James Smith is eligible for both the Max Personal and the Max Child Allowance objectives. The weekly rate for the Max Personal objective is $77; the daily rate for the Max Child Allowance objective is $1.10.

  17. Create Decision for Next Date on Date List

    The eligibility and entitlement engine creates a temporary decision for April 7th, 2004: James Smith is eligible for the Max Personal rules objective at a daily rate of $11 and a weekly rate of $77. James Smith is also eligible for the Max Child Allowance objective at a daily rate of $1.10. This is the second time the rules engine has returned a decision for this date.

  18. Pass in Temporary Decision Information

    The eligibility and entitlement engine passes in the decision information for April 7th which indicates that James Smith is eligible for both the Max Personal and the Max Child Allowance objectives. The weekly rate for the Max Personal objective is $77; the daily rate for the Max Child Allowance objective is $1.10. Note that this temporary decision replaces the existing April 7th temporary decision.

  19. Create Decision for Next Date on Date List

    The eligibility and entitlement engine creates a temporary decision for April 9th, 2004: James Smith is eligible for the Max Personal rules objective at a daily rate of $11 and a weekly rate of $77. James Smith is also eligible for the Max Child Allowance objective at a daily rate of $1.10. Note that April 9th is the next date after April 7th on the original date list.

  20. Pass in Temporary Decision Information

    The eligibility and entitlement engine passes in the decision information for April 9th which indicates that James Smith is eligible for both the Max Personal and the Max Child Allowance objectives. The weekly rate for the Max Personal objective is $77; the daily rate for the Max Child Allowance objective is $1.10.

  21. Continue Creating Decisions and Passing in Temporary Decision Information

    The eligibility and entitlement engine continues to create temporary decisions for the remaining dates on the date list. It also continues to pass in the temporary decision information after each decision. All remaining dates on the date list return the same decision result as the April 9th decision.

  22. Compare Contiguous Decisions
    • Decision change on April 5th, 2004
  23. Add Dates between Decision Changes to Date List.

    The rules engine has returned a decision for all dates between the decision changes; therefore, there is no need to add dates to the date list.

  24. Roll Up Decisions.
    • Decision with cover period of April 1st - April 4th: James Smith is eligible for the Max Personal rules objective at a daily rate of $10 and a weekly rate of $70.
    • Decision with cover period of April 5th - April 30th: James Smith is eligible for the Max Personal rules objective at a daily rate of $11 and a weekly rate of $77. James Smith is also eligible for the Max Child Allowance rules objective at 10% of the daily rate = 1.10.