Calculation of Eligibility and Entitlement

The responsibilities for calculating a case's eligibility and entitlement are divided between fixed implementations provided by the application and product specific implementations for a product (some of which must adhere to application-provided interfaces). This section describes the important interfaces and implementations involved in the calculation of the eligibility/entitlement results that form part of a determination result.

Sections A, B, and I describe a layer of fixed implementations that are responsible for calculating and storing the overall determination result.

The processing described in sections C, D, and E represents a combination of fixed interfaces and custom product-specific processing that is responsible for determining the eligibility and entitlement for the case across product periods.

Section C describes a fixed interface included with the Engine that serves as the interface between the fixed eligibility/entitlement processing provided by the Engine and the product-specific rules for the calculation of eligibility and entitlement results.

Sections D and E both describe custom product-specific processing.

The final layer described in sections F, G, and H represents a mixture of fixed implementation and fixed interfaces contributed by the engine, as well as custom product-specific processing that is responsible for retrieving the data from entities, evidence and rate tables used by the custom product-specific processing described in section D.