Product Configuration

Any change to the configuration of a Product has the potential to affect assessment determinations for the product's cases.

In particular, changes to the product periods for your product may affect the product's cases. Product period changes include:

The administration application contains a "sandbox" area where an administrator can accumulate changes to a product (including its product periods) before choosing to "publish" those changes, at which point the changes to the product will start to affect product delivery cases. Unpublished product changes have no effect on case processing.

There is additional processing required if a change is made to the Product's reassessment strategy. See Reassessment Strategy.

1 This change refers to changing which rule class the product period "points at" for eligibility/entitlement calculations; i.e. changing the product period from pointing to one rule class to instead point to another; similarly for key decision factors and decision details rule classes.

Changes to the CER rules themselves are described below.