Considering Nominee Delivery Patterns

Once the nominee specific virtual components have been created, the next step is to examine the nominee delivery patterns. Any changes to the nominee's delivery pattern during the cover period of their virtual component are identified and are used to split it again into multiple, delivery pattern specific parts.

For example, nominee James is paid using the pattern 'Weekly by EFT in Advance on a Monday' from 13th June 2011 to 3rd July 2011 and then paid 'Daily by EFT' from 4th July 2011 onwards. Nominee Linda is paid using the pattern 'Weekly by Check in Advance on a Monday' from 6th July 2011 onwards. In this situation the virtual component for nominee James will be split into two parts. One virtual component for the period of the 'Weekly by EFT in Advance on a Monday' delivery pattern and once virtual component for the period of the 'Daily by EFT' delivery pattern.

At the end of this processing we will have three virtual components that must be realized into appropriate financial schedules as follows: