
A CER-based product is set up in the system with a reassessment strategy set of "Do not reassess closed cases".

A case worker registers a new product delivery case for the product, with concernRoleID 2345, and an actual start date of 1st January 2001, but with no expected or actual end date (i.e. an open-ended case). When the case is activated, the Engine requests the rule object for the case, and CER invokes the Product Delivery Rule Object Converter to convert the case data into the required CER rule object. The Engine requests the rule object's determinationResult and also requests CER to determine the data dependencies for the calculation. The Engine passes these dependencies to the Dependency Manager for storage.

Some time later, a user maintains the case and enters an expected end date of 31st December 2001. The Entity Rule Object Propagator notifies the Dependency Manager that a CaseHeader row has changed, and the Dependency Manager identifies that the case requires reassessment. The Engine reassesses the case, and when it requests the rule object for the case the Product Delivery Rule Object Converter retrieves the latest data for the case and forms a rule object that has its expected end date set. The Engine gets the determination result from the rule object, which now takes into account the expected end date. The Engine detects that the determination result has changed (due to the expected end date now set) and stores the new determination.

The case comes to a natural end and is closed by the case worker. The Product Delivery Rule Object Propagator removes the dependency records for the case's determination result (because the product is set not to reassess closed cases).

Later, new evidence comes to light which requires the case to be re-opened. When the case worker re-activates the case, the Product Delivery Rule Object Propagator triggers the Engine to reassess the case to build back up the dependency records for the case's determination result. The Engine finds that there is no change in the case's determination result since it was last assessed and so does not store a new determination. The case worker records and activates the changes in evidence, and the Active Succession Set Rule Object Propagator notifies the Dependency Manager that evidence on the case has changed. The Dependency Manager identifies that the case requires reassessment and triggers the Engine to reassess the case, which will now take into account the recently-activated changes in evidence. The Engine finds that the determination result has changed and stores a new determination.