
The Active Evidence Row Rule Object Converter is responsible for converting a row of active evidence into a CER rule object. Each active version of the evidence is converted to its own CER rule object (unlike the Active Succession Set Rule Object Converter which converts all active evidence rows from a single succession set into a single rule object).

Each rule class targeted by the Active Evidence Row Rule Object Converter must extend the PropagatorRuleSet.ActiveEvidenceRow rule class included by the Engine. This rule class contains a correctionSetID rule attribute which is used as a unique identifier, since in any correction set of evidence there can be at most one active record.

Both dynamic and non-dynamic evidence types can be used with the Active Evidence Row Rule Object Converter.

The Active Evidence Row Rule Object Converter also populates relationships between rule objects for parent and child evidence versions, if required.

Tip: The Active Evidence Row Rule Object Converter is likely to be useful only for evidence which is not temporal in nature, and/or which does not use standard evidence facilities for recording real-world changes of circumstances, because any CER eligibility/entitlement rules which handle changes of circumstances will typically need to manipulate the separate rule objects into timelines.

If you have evidence which does use standard evidence facilities, see Active Succession Set Rule Objects instead.