Precedents Identified

If Entity Rule Objects are accessed during a CER calculation, and the CER utility is used to identify precedents, then the following precedents will be identified:

Table 1. Precedents Identified for Entity Rule Objects
Name When Identified Trigger for Recalculation
Entity Row

Identifies any entity row for which:

  • a search was executed against the row's primary key (regardless of whether a row with that primary key value was found); and/or
  • one or more attribute values were accessed for the rule object populated data from the entity row with that primary key value.

The precedent ID refers to the name of the entity, the name of the entity's primary key field and the primary key value sought.

A precedent change item for the entity row will be written to a precedent change set if:

  • any data on the entity row changes;
  • a new entity row is inserted onto the database1; and/or
  • an existing entity row is removed from the database.
'readall' search

Identifies any searches to retrieve all Entity Rule Objects for a given rule class.

The precedent ID refers to the name of the rule class sought by the readall expression.

A precedent change item for the rule class will be written to a precedent change set if:

  • a new entity row is inserted into the database;
  • an existing entity row is removed from the database;
  • the data on the entity row changes in such a way that it is now considered logically deleted, or ceases to be considered logically deleted (if the logical deletion feature of the Entity data configuration is in use); and/or
  • the data on the entity row changes in such a way that it now passes the filter, or ceases to pass the filter (if the filter feature of the Entity data configuration is in use).
'readall/match' search

Identifies any readall/match searches against Entity Rule Objects other than by primary key.

The precedent ID refers to the name of the rule class sought by the readall/match expression, together with the attribute name and value used as the search criterion.

A precedent change item for the rule class and its attribute name and match value will be written to a precedent change set if, for the entity that is mapped to the rule class by the data configurations:

  • a new entity row is inserted into the database;
  • an existing entity row is removed from the database;
  • the data on the entity row changes in such a way that it is now considered logically deleted, or ceases to be considered logically deleted (if the logical deletion feature of the Entity data configuration is in use);
  • the data on the entity row changes in such a way that it now passes the filter, or ceases to pass the filter (if the filter feature of the Entity data configuration is in use); and/or
  • the value of the attribute's data on the entity row changes.
Rule Object Data Configurations

Identifies the use of the configuration for the Entity Rule Object Converter if any Entity Rule Object is accessed during the calculation.

If changes to the data configuration for the Entity Rule Object Converter are published, then a precedent change item for the converter's data configuration will be written to a precedent change set.
1 This precedent change caters for an edge case whereby previously a CER expression had sought a row matching a primary key value, but none was found; but now a new row matching that primary key value is being inserted.
2 This precedent change caters for an edge case whereby previously a CER expression had sought a row matching a primary key value, but none was found; but now a new row matching that primary key value is being inserted.