
A case worker interviews a claimant who is a single father of a young daughter. The case worker advises the father to apply for Lone Parent Benefit, and the father agrees to make such an application.

The case worker checks whether the father is already registered on the system, and finds that he is not registered, and so the case worker must register the father's personal details before a case can be created.

When the case worker completes the registration of the father's personal details, the system stores those details. The system also creates a precedent change set item which results in the execution of a deferred process. Because no dependencies on the father's personal details have yet been established, no recalculations occur.

Having registered the father on the system, the case worker can now proceed to create a case for the Lone Parent Benefit for the father. The case worker creates a product delivery case for the father's claim, and the system stores a case record. The system also creates a precedent change set item for the creation of the case that results in the execution of a deferred process, but again because no dependencies have yet been established, no recalculations occur.

The case worker asks the father for information which the agency needs in order to make a determination on the case. Initially, the case worker asks for personal details of the daughter (including her date of birth). The case worker searches for the daughter on the system, but finds no registration records and proceeds to register the daughter's personal details and also records the daughter as an additional member of the case. The system stores these details and creates a precedent change set item for each, but again deferred processing results in no recalculation.

The case worker goes on to ask the father for details of his living arrangement (i.e. partners and spouses) and income for the household. The case worker records this information (which can change over time) as evidence. The evidence is "in edit" and so has not yet become trusted data, and so at this point no precedent change set items are created.

The case worker satisfies herself that the evidence presented by the father is indeed correct, and goes on to activate the evidence. The system marks the evidence records as active.