
The case determination calculated earlier shows that from 1st January 2001 to 31st May 2002 inclusive the father is entitled to $20 per week and that from 1st June 2002 to 13th December 2010 inclusive the father is entitled to $25 per week.

Using this information the financial scheduler will produce one financial component to deliver $20 weekly from the 1st January 2001 to 31st May 2002 inclusive and a second financial component to deliver $25 weekly from the 1st June 2002 to 13th December 2010 inclusive.

A few months later, the new case determination created following the budgetary review shows that the father will be entitled to $28 from 1st January 2003.

Using this information the financial scheduler cancels the existing financial components and creates two new ones. The first will continue to deliver $25 weekly until the current rate expires. The second will deliver $28 weekly from the date that the revised rate comes into effect until the daughter reaches the age of majority.

The following year, the new determination created following the father's marriage shows that the father's eligibility stopped three months earlier (on the date of his marriage) and that the entitlement from that date onwards was $0.

Using this information the financial scheduler cancels the existing financial component (for $28 weekly) and creates a payment correction case for the amount overpaid to the father. The financial schedule created within the payment correction case indicates that the father is liable for a once-off liability to allow the agency to recoup the amount he has been overpaid.

Five years later, the new determination created after the father's wife dies shows that the father is still ineligible, due to his income level. Since no eligible case decisions exist no financial schedules will be created.

The daughter becomes an adult and the case is closed. When a case is closed any live financial components on the case are also cancelled. However in this example no live financial components exist so there is nothing for the financial scheduler to do.

The actual number of financial components required to represent these various financial schedules depends on a number of factors including the nominee component assignments, the nominee delivery patterns, the period to which the schedule applies and the case decision objective tags which have been specified.

For more details on scheduling financials, see Scheduling Financials.