
Figure 1. One table for the whole hierarchy - implementation of another concrete class
package curam.inheritance;

import curam.inheritance.DogImpl;
import curam.inheritance.struct.AnimalDtls;
import curam.test.codetable.ANIMAL_TYPE;
import curam.util.persistence.EntityInfo;
import curam.util.persistence.helper.SingleTableEntityImpl;

public class DogImpl extends AnimalImpl implements Dog {

  protected DogImpl() {

   * {@inheritDoc}
  public void setEntityInfo(
      EntityInfo<Long, SingleTableEntityImpl<AnimalDtls>,
      entityInfo) {

    // check that this object has been constructed with an
    // appropriate row
    if (getID() != null
        && !getDtls().animalType.equals(ANIMAL_TYPE.DOG)) {
      throw new RuntimeException("Expected to be a dog");

  public String getFavouriteTrick() {
    return getDtls().favouriteTrick;

  public void setFavouriteTrick(final String value) {
    getDtls().favouriteTrick = value;

  public void crossFieldValidation() {
    // none required

  public void crossEntityValidation() {
    // none required

  public void mandatoryFieldValidation() {
    // none required

  public void speak() {
    System.out.println("Woof!  My name is " + getName()
        + " and I like to " + getFavouriteTrick());

  public void setNewInstanceDefaults() {
    getDtls().animalType = ANIMAL_TYPE.DOG;


The structure of this class is similar to CatImpl above.