Customizing Locale

It is important to note that the method for adding new locales to citizen account is the same as for standard UIM pages as opposed to the dynamic manner by which public UA pages can be internationalized. In order to add different locales to citizen account, the client project must be rebuilt to generate the JSPs in the new locale. Please refer to the Cúram Web Client Developer Guide for more information on managing UIM pages that are to be offered in multiple locales. The CT_APPLICATION_CODE codetable is used to map External User application codes to the specific UIM page they should be routed to when they log in. The client infrastructure uses these configurations to determine where the user should be routed following a successful authentication. UA ships with an entry for its default locale of "en":

<code default="false" java_identifier="CITIZEN_WORKSPACE"
 status="ENABLED" value="CITWSAPP">
  <locale language="en" sort_order="0"> 

When adding additional locales to UA, additional entries must be added to this codetable for each locale that is being added. All should contain the same description, which contains the value of the citizen account homepage. This is also true of other codetables that are used by UA, such as CT_SecretQuestionType. The names of the secret questions must be added in each locale that UA is to be offered in. For more information on localisation see the chapter Fully Customizable Self Service Artifacts.