All Business Rule Diagrams Export

The CER Editor also allows users to export all business rule diagrams in a ZIP archive which can be saved to the user's local hard disk. This functionality is accessed via the Export drop down option of the Actions button on the Global Menu. The ZIP archive contains the following:
  1. Open the rule set containing the diagrams that are to be exported.
  2. Use the Actions > Export menu option to export the diagrams.
  3. A dialog box appears showing the progress of the export process. When the process has been completed the Save button on the dialog is enabled. The user must press this button to save the zipped images to the local hard disk. The file name and location where the ZIP file is to be saved can be chosen by the user.
    Note: Unlike the Single Diagram Export above, the diagrams do not need to be opened in the editor in order to be exported. All diagrams listed in the rule outline view will be automatically exported.

    The images will be generated in business mode (i.e. the images will not contain information that is displayed when the diagram is in technical mode).