Changing Static Text

The IEG engine allows you to enter all the text for your script for the default locale directly into the script definition. However, this is not where the text displayed on the screens is actually read from. Instead, all text referenced from within a script is stored in locale-specific properties files within the resource store. For each script, there will be a minimum of one properties file for the script itself and one properties file for each page within the script. In order to ensure the uniqueness of these files, the following naming convention is used (the last part is obviously only applicable to the page-specific properties files):


When you use the IEG admin screens to upload a new script into the system, all the static text contained within it (e.g., all the labels, titles, descriptions, etc.) are automatically extracted into the appropriately named properties files for your script and stored in the resource store with no locale associated with them (so that they act as the fall-back properties if no properties exist for the locale in which you are running). Any of this text can then be changed by simply downloading the current properties file keeping in mind the naming convention described above to locate the resource in the resources list. Then make the necessary changes and update the resource as described in Updating an Existing Resource. No changes to the script itself are required.

Equally, versions of these files for other locales can be easily added and will be picked up in preference to the default locale properties the next time the script is run in that locale. When uploading a properties file resource, set the "Content Type" to text/plain and leave the "Content Disposition" field empty.