Exclude Paths and Files

Select 'Exclude Paths and Files' in the view selection pane. Click the button to add an Exclude Path. Choose 'Exclude' as the 'Type' and select 'Regular Expression' from the 'Match' dropdown. Enter .*/Curam/ieg/Screening.do.* for the 'Path' and click 'OK'.

Add another Exclude Path. Choose 'Exception' as the 'Type' and select 'Regular Expression' from the 'Match' dropdown. Enter .*/Curam/ieg/Screening.do?executionID=.\d* for the 'Path' and click 'OK'.

An Exception should also be added for each __u=x value found in the list of sequence steps. Again, select 'Regular Expression' from the 'Match' dropdown and enter an expression in the following format for 'Path': .*/Curam/ieg/Screening.do?executionID=.*&__u=[value shown in summary screen]

Click 'OK'.

Click 'OK' to be returned to the configuration wizard.

Click 'Next' in the Configuration Wizard.