Displaying Associated Data on a Summary

The association between entities can be displayed on a summary page by adding a column to the list of entities of one type, in order to display details of the related entity. A link-entity attribute needs to be specified on this column to identify the related entity.

The following example shows how, while listing the Incomes for a Person on a summary page, the associated Employer name can be displayed for each Income:

Figure 1. Entity Association Summary Page
<summary-page id="IncomeSummary" 
  <list entity="Person" criteria="hasIncome==true" 
    <title id="IncomeList.Title">Income</title>
    <description id="IncomeList.Description">Here's the income
        details you've entered for all the people in your 
    <column id="firstName">
      <title id="FirstName.Title">First Name</title>
    <list entity="Income" show-icons="false">
      <column id="type">
        <title id="IncomeType.Title">Income Type</title>
      <column id="amount">
        <title id="IncomeAmount.Title">Income Amount</title>
      <column id="employer" 
        <title id="Employer.Title">Employer</title>