
List questions can also be used when the selection should be mutually exclusive. When the single-select attribute of a list question is set to true, only one of the items in the list can be selected.

If for example, the requirement is to indicate which household member is the primary care giver, an attribute can be added to the Person entity and a single-select list question can be added to the script:

Figure 1. Primary Care Giver Person Schema
<xsd:element name="Person">
    <xsd:attribute name="primaryCareGiver" type="IEG_BOOLEAN"/>
Figure 2. Single-select List Question
<question-page id="PrimaryCareGiver" ...>
    <list-question id="primaryCareGiver" entity="Person"
          single-select="true" criteria="age > 14">
      <label id="PrimaryCareGiver.Label">
        <![CDATA[Which person is the primary care giver?]]>
        <label-element attribute-id="firstName" />

The above list question will cause list of the household members that are over 14 years old to be displayed with a radio button next to each Person, thus allowing only one to be selected.