Adding a Summary Page to an IEG Script

The final step of this basic example is to display a summary of the information captured. Generally each section will have a summary page. A summary page is used to display the most important data back to the user in order for them to verify data was captured or calculated correctly. A summary page can display data captured on multiple question pages. A summary page does not have to contain all the information captured in the section as this could be very large making it less useful.

Obviously if the data displayed on a summary page is incorrect the user will more than likely want to modify it. Users may navigate backwards in the script execution by pressing the Back button in the IEG Player until they reach the page where the data was entered, update the data, then proceed forward through the script again. Alternatively you can add edit links to the clusters on the summary page. When the user clicks on an edit link on a summary page the question page specified in the edit link is displayed to the user in the IEG Player. The user can then change the data and depending on whether the changed data is referenced elsewhere in the script, the summary page will be displayed again when the user presses the Next button in the IEG Player.

The summary page in this case will be very simple and similar to the question page previously added. And similar to a question page, if all the attributes referred to on the page relate to the same entity the summary page can be mapped to that entity type, as follows:

Figure 1. Summary Page
  <summary-page id="AboutYouSummary" entity="Person">
    <title id="AboutYouSummary.Title">
      <![CDATA[Information about you]]>
    <description id="AboutYouSummary.Description">
        [Here's the information you've entered about yourself]]>
      <title id="DetailsCluster.Title">
        <![CDATA[Person Details]]>
      <description id="DetailsCluster.Description">
        <![CDATA[Enter the details for this person here]]>
      <edit-link start-page="AboutYouPage" />
      <question id="firstName">
        <label id="FirstName.Label">
          <![CDATA[First Name:]]>
      <question id="middleName">
        <label id="MiddleName.Label">
          <![CDATA[Middle Name:]]>
      <question id="lastName">
        <label id="lastName.Label">
          <![CDATA[Last Name:]]>
      <question id="gender">
        <label id="Gender.Label">
      <question id="dateOfBirth">
        <label id="DateOfBirth.Label">
          <![CDATA[Date Of Birth:]]>

This basic script and schema to capture information about a person and display a summary page is now complete and can be run.