Create a Script

IEG allows you to create dynamic scripts for collecting data. IEG scripts can contain sections, question pages, questions and conditional logic which allows you to decide what information to capture, what pages to display and how many times they are displayed.

Please read the Authoring Scripts using Intelligent Evidence Gathering (IEG) guide for details on how to define each element of an IEG script.

For the requirements above, where there is a need to capture information about a person, you must define the script and decide how the pages are arranged to capture the information.

A new script can be created in the admin application and the editor can be used to add elements to this script. The content of a newly created script will be similar to the following:

Figure 1. New Script
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ieg-script xmlns:xsi=""
  <identifier id="WorkingWithIEG" scriptversionnumber="V1" 
               type="Intake" />

The ID, Type and Version supplied when creating the script are combined to create a script identifier to uniquely identify the script definition.

Once a new script is created, elements such as sections, question pages and summary pages can be added to the script. The examples in the next two sections will show you how to add a section and a question page to a script as well as how to add a summary page that displays information back to the user. Summary pages allow the user to confirm that the data they entered is correct before proceeding and they can also provide the user with the ability to modify the data.