Resource Store (RS)

An IEG script can contain references to images that will be displayed to the user when a script is executed, for example icons representing sections and question pages. The images are stored in the Resource Store (RS). An IEG script also contains a number of different textual elements, for example page headings, question labels and help text. IEG allows you to enter all the text for your script for the default locale directly into the script definition.

When an IEG script is uploaded into the system via the IEG admin screens, all the text contained within it is automatically extracted into an appropriately named properties files for the script. These properties files are also stored in the RS. The properties files are stored with no locale associated with them (so that they act as the fall-back properties if no properties exist for the locale in which you are running). The RS allows properties files for multiple locales to be uploaded making the localization of scripts a straightforward task. At runtime, the properties files are retrieved for the appropriate locale and presented to the user in the IEG Player.