Configuring the EvidenceFlow Polling Interval

The application property curam.evidenceflow.polling.interval is used to determine the interval of time in milliseconds that the EvidenceFlow waits between polls to the application server in order to determine if evidence has changed. The EvidenceFlow polls the server each time changes are made that result in issues, verifications, or reminders being added to or removed from evidence.

Polls to the server can be costly in terms of time and machine resources. For example, if the polling interval is set at too low a number, system performance can deteriorate. If the polling interval is set at too great a number, case workers may need to wait for too long a period of time before they can see changes that they have applied. For example, a case worker may resolve an issue with a piece of evidence, however if the polling interval is set to 10 seconds, the system will not remove the issue from the evidence type for a least 10 seconds. The default value of this property is '2000' meaning that the system will poll the server every 2000 milliseconds to determine if evidence has changed.