
This chapter describes the configuration options that are available for case types. In order for case workers to create cases at the case level, the following case types can be configured: the integrated case type and the product case type.

Note that the application supports the following case types: the screening case type and the assessment case type. Screening and assessment case types can be maintained by administrators and used in case management processing; however, screening functionality is provided by the Cúram Common Intake module and assessment functionality is provided by the Cúram Decision Assist and Cúram Outcome Management modules. Configuration for these areas is extensive and falls outside the scope of this guide. For information on configuring screening, see the Cúram Common Intake Configuration Guide . For information on configuring assessments, see the Cúram Decision Assist Guide and the Cúram Outcome Management Configuration Guide.

This chapter focuses on the configuration options that are common to more than one case type and also describes the options that are specific to screening and assessment case types. Note that most integrated case type configuration options are common to other case types. Therefore, integrated case configuration options are described in full in Configuring Common Case Information . Note also that product case type configuration is extensive, therefore product-specific configuration options are described in a separate chapter. For more information, see Configuring Products.