Defining Product Provisions

Product provisions are the product providers that deliver the actual products delivered to case recipients. Product provision details must be associated with each product on creation. Product provision definition involves recording the details of the provider who provides the product. The Product Provider setting allows an administrator to search for a product provider from the product providers that are registered as part of Participant Management. Note that the product provider can be the agency itself or a different product provider.

Start Date and End Date settings dictate the period during which the product provision is effective. By default, the system automatically sets the start date to be the current date.

The Currency setting allows the agency to select the preferred currency for payment for the provision. The currencies that are available for selection are associated with the Currency code table. A new value can be added to this code table and published as part of system administration.

The Estimated Cost setting allows the agency to estimate the amount that the agency spends on a particular product provision, i.e., the cost of a product that is offered by a particular provider The default value is '0'. An administrator can change this value as required.

The Payment setting determines the preferred method of payment for the provision, e.g., cash. The default value is 'Cash'.

The Payment Frequency setting dictates the payment frequency for the provision, e.g., the first day of every month.

Note that a product cannot be deleted if it has an active product provision. Similarly, a product provision location cannot be deleted if there are active cases assigned to that location.