Dependency Manager Batch Tooling

Tooling has been provided in the form of Ant scripts to assist in the running of the Dependency Manager batch suite. Using the tooling will ensure that the batch jobs are run in the correct order, and will allow the user to set a property to manage the performance of the batch run. There are two parts to the tool, the first part produces an ant script specific to the system its being run on, while the second involves invoking this ant script to run the batch suite.


The following environment variables must be set as per normal Cúram operation:

Database drivers should be in the SERVER_DIR/drivers directory. The tool will pickup the Database connection details from the normal file.

Producing the Specific Ant Script


In this step, the tool examines the supported dependent types on the system, and then constructs an ant script to ensure each of these dependent types gets processed during the batch suite run. Additionally, certain configuration options can be specified in the conf/ file as follows:

Additionally, for each dependent type, the default can be overridden by specifying a property for that type as below:

Running the Step

To run the step, simply execute the 'ant' command from within the DependencyManagerBatch directory.


This step produces a file, DependencyManagerBatch.xml within the current directory.

Invoke the Script to run the Batch Suite


The second step of the tool uses the generated output from the first. The script performs the following steps:

Running the Step

To run this step, simply execute the command 'ant -f DependencyManagerBatchBase.xml'.


If no dependents required processing, a message will be output stating this and the script will exit. Otherwise, an individual log file is written to the Logs folder for each batch process / thread executed.