
The exact installation steps may vary by the edition and/or version of your software and the relevant IBM documentation should be consulted in addition to the information in this guide.

The IBM Installation Manager must be installed before installing Rational Software Architect and can be installed taking the default options.

Install Rational Software Architect:

  1. Start the IBM Installation Manager (Start > Programs > IBM Installation Manager > IBM Installation Manager);
  2. From the File menu select Preferences and on the Repositories page add a new entry appropriate to your site that points to your Rational Software Architect installation location and initial installation file and make this the only selected repository;
  3. Click OK to go back to the main screen;
  4. Select Install and you should see the appropriate version as an available install package. Select this and click Next;
  5. Accept licenses, which is dependent on your local license configuration;
  6. Choose a location for the Shared Resources;
  7. Choose a Package installation location;
  8. Choose not to extend an Eclipse version; (If you wish to use Rational Software Architect in an existing Eclipse instance see the product documentation; i.e.;
  9. On the "Install Packages - select features to install" panel, you need to additionally install: 'Rational Rose Model Import' in order to install the IBM® Rational Rose profile required by migrated models in Eclipse;
  10. Continue and choose the defaults for the rest of the installation.