Using a Client Project in Eclipse

The client project needs to be imported and configured to run on Tomcat.

  1. Import the project (.project) located in the CuramCDEJ folder in the development installation.
  2. Import the project (.project) located in the webclient folder in the development installation.
  3. Once the projects are imported right-click the project and select Properties, then Tomcat on the next dialog. Set the following properties:
    • Context Name : Should be set to "/Curam"
    • Can update server.xml file : Selected
    • Mark this context as reloadable: Selected
    • Redirect context logger to Eclipse console : Selected
    • Subdirectory to set as application root : Should be set to "WebContent"
  4. Right-click the project again and select Tomcat Project, Update Context Definition. This updates Tomcat's server.xml with an entry for the client application.

The Sysdeo plug-in adds a toolbar to Eclipse for starting and stopping Tomcat. Once it is started, the client application is available at the following URL : http://localhost:9080/Curam/