Using a Server Project in Eclipse

The server project needs to be imported and configured for use in Eclipse.

  1. Import the project (.project) located in the CuramSDEJ folder in the development installation.
  2. Import the project (.project) located in the EJBServer folder in the development installation.
  3. Once the projects are imported there are a number of Classpath variables errors. To resolve these navigate to Windows -> Preferences, then Java -> Build Path -> Classpath Variables and set the following variables.
    • J2EE_JAR - jar file of your Java EE implementation. In the case of WebLogic Server you can generate the wlfullclient.jar and set J2EE_JAR to point to it: Run the WebLogic Server JarBuilder tool, by going to the server\lib directory (e.g. cd %WLS_HOME%\lib) and use the java command to create the wlfullclient.jar (e.g. java -jar wljarbuilder.jar); see the WebLogic Server product documentation for more information on the WebLogic Server JarBuilder tool.
    • JAVAMAIL_HOME - this should point at the folder containing mail.jar and activation.jar of your Java EE implementation.

The server is launched as a Java process which launches three threads:

To launch the server, from the EJBServer/ReferencedLibraries/core.jar (default package), select the StartServer class and select the Java Application option from the Run As button.

VM Arguments: TheRun Configuration option can be used to manage VM arguments to the process e.g. to pass a higher heap size setting -Xmx756M.