Overview of Cúram Business Intelligence and Analytics

Cúram BI & Analytics is comprised of three parts:

A report is information pulled from the application in a rows and columns format. It does not contain charts or graphs. Reports allow agencies to gain a better understanding of their organization by putting critical information in the hands of all those who need it.

A dashboard is information pulled from the application that is displayed as multiple charts and/or graphs on one Cúram page. It is different from a report as it is a graphical rather than textual display. It provides a high-level, real-time view of the organization. A dashboard is used if the information to be presented lends itself to a comparison with other graphically-based data at a glance.

A key performance indicator (KPI) is information pulled from the application that is displayed on a Cúram page as a single chart or graph. KPIs are quantifiable measurements that reflect the critical success factors of an organization. Based on beforehand agreed measures, the KPIs reveal a high-level snapshot of the organization. They vary depending on the kind of organization they characterize. A KPI is used to provide a graphical representation of information where the information is helpful on its own and a comparison with other types of data is not deemed beneficial.