Benefit Group

The benefit group refers to the household members who are eligible for medical assistance under a specific coverage type. Like other coverage types, the benefit group for CHIP is determined after the execution of the medical assistance eligibility rules when the CHIP product delivery is created from the Medical Assistance Eligibility Result. For CHIP, the group members can subsequently be modified by the caseworker. As a result, there are now two types of Benefit Group pages, one for CHIP and one for all other coverage types.

The benefit group pages for CHIP allow caseworkers to add and remove household members to and from a product delivery. The caseworker can only add members who currently exist on the integrated case and who were determined eligible for CHIP on the most recent decision for the product delivery. This will be any child who decided not to be covered by CHIP even though eligible originally, any child who was previously ineligible but who is now eligible as a result of a change in circumstance or a child who is a recent addition to the household such as a newborn.