Check CHIP Eligibility

The check medical assistance eligibility functionality which determines eligibility for all Medical Assistance coverage types based on a hierarchy also includes CHIP. When checking Medical Assistance eligibility on application or on the integrated case home page, the caseworker has the option to check eligibility for all Medical Assistance coverage types or just CHIP.

If the caseworker has selected 'All Medical Assistance Programs', the Medical Assistance rules check eligibility for the Categorically Needy and Medically Needy coverage types for all household members. Eligibility for CHIP will only be carried out if it is determined that a member is not eligible under any categorically needy or medically needy coverage type. If eligible under Medically Needy with SpendDown in addition to CHIP, the member must choose which coverage type to receive.

If the caseworker has selected 'Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP)', the same Medical Assistance rules are called. The result is filtered to only display children in the household who are eligible for CHIP. The CHIP only option may be used where a family just want to apply for CHIP for the children. If none of the children in the household are eligible for CHIP, the caseworker has the option to view the full eligibility result as determined by the Medical Assistance eligibility rules. It may be that the children are eligible for other Medical Assistance coverage types that have a higher priority than CHIP in the cascading hierarchy. For example, a child found eligible for Aged, Blind and Disabled (ABD) during the Medical Assistance eligibility rules will not have CHIP eligibility determined as the coverage type rules for ABD are executed before the rules for CHIP.