Applied Instruction Line Items

The following financial instruction line items can be applied to a liability instruction.

Table 1. Financial Instruction Line Items Applied to Liability Instruction.

This table describes the financial instruction line items that can be applied to the liability instruction.



Applied as a Result of Process

Allocated Payment Received ILI

All or part of a payment received can be applied toward the entire liability instruction or towards individual liability instruction line items. Allocate Payment Received Process
Overallocation ILI When overallocation is enabled on a liability, it is possible to allocate a payment received amount that is over the amount due on the liability instruction. The liability reconciliation process will reconcile the amount received against the original amount billed. Allocate Payment Received Process

Write-Off ILI

A liability instruction can be written off in full or else all or part of individual liability instruction line items can be written off. Any written off amount will reduce the amount owed on a bill.

Write-Off Liability Process

Reversal ILI

A liability instruction can be reversed in full or else all or part of individual liability instruction line items can be reversed. Any reversed amount will reduce the amount owed on a bill. Reverse Liability Process

Reverse Allocation ILI

When allocations have been made towards a liability and that liability is reversed, reverse allocation instruction line items are created. These instruction line items will make the allocation amount available to be applied towards future liabilities.

Reverse Liability Process