Processing Deductions

The first instruction line item created for all deduction categories is rolled up into the payment instruction for the benefit. This means that the person in receipt of benefits will receive a payment less the deduction amount. For example, a utility deduction amount of $5 might be subtracted from a payment of $35 so that the payment instruction for the benefit would be for the total amount of $30.

For applied deductions, the second instruction line item will be rolled up into a payment received instruction that is allocated toward the outstanding liability. Note that the allocated payment received instruction is system-generated, but that it functions identically to an allocated payment received from outside the system (for more information on allocating payments received, see Allocating Payments Received).

For un-applied deductions, the second instruction line item is saved on the system as a line item payable to the organization.

For third party deductions, the third party payment instruction line item is issued to the relevant participant company by calling the Issue Concern Payments batch process. This batch process is used to issue payments to participants. When run for a participant, it searches for all unprocessed third party payment instruction line items for the participant and rolls them up into one payment instruction. This allows the organization to issue a single payment to a participant in respect to deductions made from multiple cases over a period of time. For example, the organization may issue a utility a payment once per quarter.

For more information on deduction processing, see the Cúram Deductions Guide.