Financials Batch Suite

In order for the financials records to be created, the following batch processes must be run in this sequence:

  1. DetermineProductDeliveryEligibility
    • Parameters - instanceID, processingDate and productID
    • Processes - Cases to FCs
    • Pre-run Status - Approved ('CS6')
    • Post-run Status - Active ('CS1') if Eligible, PendingClosure ('CS7') if Ineligible, Suspended ('CS2') if error occurred
    • Summary of Processing - Picks up Cases with status of Approved, reassesses Cases' eligibility, and generates FCs
  2. GenerateInstructionLineItems
    • Parameters - deliveryMethod, instanceID, processingDate, processingDateFrom, processingDateTo and productID
    • Processes - FCs to ILIs
    • Pre-run Status - Live ('LIV')
    • Post-run Status - Live ('LIV') if the FC is not expired; or Closed ('CLD') if nextProcessingDate > processingDate
    • Summary of Processing - Reassesses each case being processed, generates ILIs for live FCs and rolls forward their nextProcessingDate. Expires FCs if nextProcessingDate is after processing date
  3. GenerateInstruments; and optionally
    • Parameters - instanceID and processingDate
    • Processes - ILIs to Instructions and Instruments
    • Pre-run Status - Unprocessed ('UNP')
    • Post-run Status - Processed ('PRO')
    • Summary of Processing - Picks up unprocessed ILIs and rolls them into instructions and instruments
  4. GeneratePayslips
    • Parameters - processingDate
    • Processes - Payslips and PayslipInstructions
    • Pre-run Status - Pending Issue ('PS2') or Created ('PS1')
    • Post-run Status - Issued ('PS3')
    • Summary of Processing - Picks up Payslips pending issue and generates the Payslip for them