Open Enrollment Periods and Special Enrollment

When an individual logs into their citizen account, as well as having the option to view the status of any enrollments or update their information via life events, they are also presented with details about the next open enrollment period - this uses the campaign functionality available in Universal Access. The citizen's account displays dynamic information about open enrollment periods. The number of open enrollment periods and their start and end dates can be configured by an administrator. From 30 days prior to the start of an enrollment period, an entry is made to the campaign bar on the right-hand side of the account home page which counts down towards the start of the period. Once that period has started, messages are displayed stating how long the individual has to apply before end of the enrollment period. It is hoped that this gives the citizen prior warning of when enrollment is expected, and once open, how long they have to actually enroll in a plan.

Aside from updating plan selections during annual open enrollment, individuals may qualify for special enrollment. Special enrollment is handled via life events functionality. If an individual enters a life event to record a change in circumstances and it is determined a 'qualifying event' for special enrollment, then that individual is allowed to change their plan selection. A typical example of this could is the birth of a baby, where the addition of the new household member is deemed a qualifying event for special enrollment, therefore an enrollment can be changed outside of the annual open enrollment period.

Support is available for all existing life events to determine whether the event qualifies as special enrollment. The HCR eligibility results page shows the 'Enroll in Plans' option if the change satisfies the qualifying event criteria for special enrollment. If the change is not a qualifying event then the option to continue to plan selection and enrollment is not available. In the current implementation, the following outcomes result in special enrollment being available:

Where the option exists to change plans, the identifiers of any current enrollments for the people chosen when starting the new enrollment are provided to the plan management system so that termination instructions can be sent to the relevant insurance carrier(s) upon completion of the new enrollment.