Universal Access

The starting point for this integration is in Universal Access, where the sample HCR landing page includes extra links to standard Universal Access screening (the 'Check if I am eligible for other programs' link) and standard Universal Access intake (the 'Apply for other programs' link). Screening and Intake functionality have been configured to include the Cúram Income Support.

After logging into an account the individual can select the type of screening to perform and then proceed into the Income Support script for screening. Upon completion, the individual is presented with a simple screening results page which displays the results of the Income Support screening. The MAGI-based or insurance affordability programs are not included in this screening results page. The simplified calculator on the HCR landing page provides a much simpler screening for MAGI-based programs, requiring only the number of adults and children in the household along with the household income details.

Intake for the Cúram Income Support programs is available from a number of different places: