Life Events

A life event is a situation that occurs in a client's life which may affect eligibility for other programs that they are already in receipt of; in the world of HCR this can impact any insurance affordability program that a household receives. Life events encompass a broad range of common occurrences such as marriage, the birth of a child, or a change in employment.

Life events functionality is available for individuals who have a registered citizen account and an associated integrated case recorded by logging into their Citizen Account and choosing to 'Update My Information'; citizens are then presented with a list of common life events.

The following life events are supported:

When an individual reports a life event via the citizen account, they are brought through a life event script which presents the relevant information which is already available on the case as context for the change they are trying to report. For example, for a 'Change in Wages or Salary' life event, the citizen is presented with a list of incomes for each of the people on their integrated case. All the active 'wage and salary' income evidence on the integrated case is displayed as part of the life event script.

The citizen can use this script to update the information as appropriate. At the end of each script they are presented with a summary of their changes and given an opportunity to accept them. If they do so, the system compares the new information to that already on the integrated case and records the evidence changes as appropriate. Any evidence changes are recorded as 'in-edit', clients are not able to make evidence changes via a life event that go straight through to actual product delivery creation and activation. Caseworker intervention is necessary to accept the client change before the evidence can be activated.

When evidence changes are activated on an integrated case, HCR program group logic processing is run to determine if the evidence changes necessitate the creation of a new product delivery case.