Navigator-Assisted Applications

A citizen can request assistance from a navigator by selecting the ‘Search for a Navigator' option on the HCR Universal Access Landing page. The citizen is then presented with a map which shows any registered navigators in the local area, based on the address entered in the search box. Clicking on a map entry presents a 'more information' link about the navigator to the user. The individual can choose to send an email referral or get directions to the navigator.

Individuals who have already made contact with a navigator can enter the navigator's details to select the navigator for assistance. A citizen must give their consent for navigator assistance. This is recorded on the application when it is submitted.

Navigator assisted applications are recorded with the details of the navigator who assisted with the application, the date the assistance was provided, the name of the authorizing applicant, and the organization that the navigator belongs to. A record is kept of all citizens that a navigator has assisted.

Navigators can also assist citizens to record their life events. After logging into their secure account the citizen can choose a navigator in the same way as they choose when completing an application. They can then proceed to complete information through the life event script and the system records the fact that a navigator assisted in this activity.