Assistance Group

The assistance group, or benefit group, is determined during execution of the eligibility rules for the program for which the product delivery has been created. The assistance group may change over the lifetime of the product delivery as household members are added or removed, or become eligible or ineligible. The composition of the assistance group is always determined by the rules. Subsequent execution of the eligibility rules for the program may result in a new assistance group being created when the existing assistance group composition changes. Individuals may be listed multiple times as they move in and out of the assistance group if they become ineligible for a period of time and then become eligible again.

The CHIP assistance group is the only assistance group where a user is allowed to add a member to the assistance group. The only members who can be added to the assistance group for the Children's Health Insurance Program are those determined eligible for CHIP on the most recent decision for the product delivery. This will be any child who decided not to be covered by CHIP even though they were eligible originally, any child who was previously ineligible but who is now eligible as a result of a change in circumstance, or a child who is a recent addition to the household such as a newborn.