Minor Parent living with Parent(s)/NPCR Exception

A minor parent and their dependent minor child are eligible for Medical Assistance coverage. If the Minor Parent living with Parent(s)/NPCR Exceptions are satisfied the minor parent and minor child will form an assistance unit with and without the minor parent's parents. The assistance unit with the minor parent's parents will also include the minor parent's siblings if they satisfy the dependent child rules.

  1. A minor parent is a parent who is under 18, has never been married and has care of a minor child AND
  2. Minor Parent is living with his/her parent(s)/Non-parent caretaker relative AND
  3. The Minor parent is the parent of a dependent child AND
  4. Minor parent's parents/NPCR are not currently receiving Low Income Families with Children Medical Assistance AND
  5. Minor parent and his/her dependent child(ren) must be included in the assistance unit AND
  6. The parents or non parent caretaker relative of the minor parent may be included (i.e. optionally) if they are otherwise eligible, and the minor parent satisfies the Dependent Child rules AND
  7. If the parent or non parent caretaker relative is included, siblings of the minor parent must also be included if they satisfy the Dependent Child rules