Temporary Absence

This rule group determines whether a household member is absent from the household on a temporary or long term basis. A household member can be absent from the household and maintain eligibility for Medical Assistance if all other program requirements are satisfied provided there is a definite plan for the absent individual to return home.

Temporary Absence Household Members

  1. A household member who is temporarily absent from the home for a period of not more than 180 days but who intends to return is eligible for Medical Assistance OR
  2. A household member who is temporarily absent from the home for more than 180 days is ineligible for Medical Assistance unless an exception applies

Temporary Absence Exceptions

The allowable period can be extended provided there is a definite plan for the return of the individual and one of the following apply:

  1. The household member is being cared for in a hospital or other public or private institution to receive treatment for a mental or physical illness OR
  2. The household member is receiving education or training that is not available in the home community