Parent to Child Deeming

  1. Combine the ineligible parent(s) countable unearned income AND
  2. Combine the ineligible parent(s) countable earned income AND
  3. Exclude from the ineligible parent(s) unearned income any ineligible child deductions they are entitled to AND
  4. If the ineligible parent(s) does not have enough unearned income to cover these allocations, the balance is deducted from the ineligible parent(s) earned income AND
  5. Apply unearned income deductions to the combined unearned income of the parent(s) AND
  6. Apply earned income deductions to the combined earned income of the parent(s) AND
  7. Total the net unearned and the net earned of the parent(s) income to determine the parent(s) total net income
  8. Exclude from the ineligible parent(s)total net income the maximum allocation for a parent(s) AND
  9. The remaining amount, if any, is the deemable income to the child