Collaborating With The Multidisciplinary Team

The ultimate goal of multidisciplinary teams is to use their range of skills to share information with agency workers in order to help clients and their families. Outcome Management enables information sharing and provides tools to enable multidisciplinary teams to achieve this goal.

In order to allow a multidisciplinary team to assist with addressing client needs it is sometimes necessary to share certain information with them. In order to do this, Outcome Management provides the agency worker with the capability to share information with selected members of the multidisciplinary team. The multidisciplinary team member can access this information from within the associated case in the Multidisciplinary Team Portal.

Configuration settings are provided which dictate the information that can be shared. These settings apply to the role a multidisciplinary team member plays on a team. For example, an administrator can configure that notes can be shared with all multidisciplinary team members who play a role of doctor on a team. The agency worker can then choose to share a particular note with the member who fulfills that role. Additional configurations exists at the individual multidisciplinary team member which override the configurations which apply to a role. For example, an administrator can configure that notes may be shared with all doctors on multidisciplinary teams, except for Dr. John Smith. The following functionality is provided on the outcome plan and can be shared with multidisciplinary team members:

Table 1. Multidisciplinary Team Information Sharing
Business Functionality Summary
Notes Standard case notes functionality is used to record notes for an outcome plan but it additionally allows for sharing of notes with multidisciplinary team members.
Attachments Standard case attachments functionality is used to record attachments for an outcome plan but it additionally allows for sharing of attachments with multidisciplinary team members.
Activities (Service, Actions and Referrals) See Planning Activities To Address Client Needs below for details of activities functionality.

When a note, attachment or activity is added to an outcome plan by a case worker, an email is sent to the multidisciplinary team members with whom the note, attachment and activity has been shared to inform them that a particular record has been added. A configuration setting exists which dictates if any emails are sent to multidisciplinary team members.

When a note or attachment is added to an outcome plan by a multidisciplinary team member a task is assigned to the outcome plan owner to inform them of the addition of the note or attachment and to give them the opportunity to specify the multidisciplinary team members the note or attachment can be shared with (multidisciplinary team members cannot specify sharing).