Assessment Statuses

Each assessment has a status which describes it's progress. There are five assessment statuses: in-progress, submitted, complete, canceled, and closed. Each status changes during assessment processing.

The following table describes each assessment status:

Table 1. Assessment Processing Statuses



In-progress An assessment status is "in-progress" when an assessment is created and has not yet been submitted. An assessment status can also be "in progress" when an approval request has been rejected.
Submitted An assessment status is "submitted" when the assessment is submitted for approval. Only assessments with a status of "in-progress" can be submitted for approval.


An assessment status is "complete" when the assessment has been approved by the case supervisor. An assessment status can also be "complete" when approval is not required and it is completed by a user.

Canceled An assessment status is "canceled" when the assessment is deleted from the system. Only assessments with a status of "in-progress" can be canceled.
Closed An assessment status is "closed" if the assessment is closed by a case worker. Assessments with a status of "complete" can be closed and "in-progress" initial assessments can be closed.