Validating Activities within a Plan

When the outcome worker has added all the activities to the plan, they can validate if any of the activities added were outside of what was expected. Plan validations of activities can be manual or automatic. When validations are triggered manually on the plan, they are run across a plan for each client on the plan. When validations are triggered automatically at the time the agreement is completed, they run for each client on the agreement. A&T validations are set up for Cash Assistance using CER rule sets. Agencies can set up validations for Food Assistance as desired.

For validations that run on a new plan, checks look for scheduled hours because actual hours do not exist yet. Validations that run on an existing plan need to check a combination of actual hours and scheduled hours. Validations before the plan validation date check the client's actual hours; validations after the validation date check the client's scheduled hours. A&T includes validations as follows:

Vocational Education Training Activities Validation: Checks if the client's Vocational Education Training activities total more than 12 months for any individual.

Job Search & Job Readiness Assistance Activities Maximum Validation:

Participation in activities associated with Job Search & Job Readiness Assistance For 5 Consecutive Weeks Validation: Checks if activities associated with the Job Search & Job Readiness Assistance Cash Assistance federal component are scheduled for 5 or more consecutive weeks in the preceding 12-month period.

Maximum Number Of Hours Per Week: Validates whether the client is participating in activities of more than 40 scheduled hours per week.

Duplicate Activities: Validates that the same activity is not listed more than once for the same time period.